A paradoxical oxymoron?

Saturday, December 30, 2006


Merry Belated Christmas everyone :)

What is Christmas really about to you?

I get aggravated over the commercialization of Christmas and the lack of focus our society placed upon Christ being the only real reason for Christmas. And i'm getting tired of it..

Is it really just another reason to shop, laze around, get drunk and laid?
Where's the logic behind giving presents just for the sake of giving if its not from the heart sincerely?
What's the deal with putting an 'X' instead of Christ? Not like Xmas sounds like Christmas anyway.
Why do you even want or have Santa in the picture? Who is he to be called the Father of Christmas anyway?
Why do you sing all those commercialized carols, meaning those with Santa, Rudolf, Frosty the snowman and others when Christmas isnt about them at all?

Speaking of commercialized carols, what kind of nut ever came up with carols such as this?

Grandma got run over by a reindeer
Walking home from our house Christmas eve.
You can say there's no such thing as Santa,
But as for me and Grandpa, we believe.
She'd been drinkin' too much egg nog,
And we'd begged her not to go.
But she'd left her medication,
So she stumbled out the door into the snow.
When they found her Christmas mornin',
At the scene of the attack.
There were hoof prints on her forehead,
And incriminatin' Claus marks on her back.

And we just can't help but wonder:
Should we open up her gifts or send them back?

Happily looking around for songs and I found this particular carol to my horror. Not only is it sickening, it's shocking to see its on the top downloaded list..
And all i could say was whatthe...

On another hand, I did find this..
Christ Is Christmas
By Russell Adams and Steve Israel

Christ is Christmas
No greater gift you'll find,
Christ is Christmas
God's gift to all mankind.

Though rich or poor
No greater gift you'll find
Than the gift of God's own Son.

Christmas is really about the day to remember, rejoice and celebrate the glorious birth of Jesus Christ. Why do you think Christmas is called Christmas with the name Christ in it!

And I'll end this with part of a song that really depicts what Christmas is

Christmas is your birthday Lord,
Jesus, Son of God.
You were born in Bethlehem,
as God’s gift to man.
Lord we celebrate on earth,
Your glorious virgin birth.
You we honour and adore,
now and evermore.

How we wish the world would see,
that this special day,
centers, Jesus Lord, on Thee,
not Santa Claus or me!
Not on decorated trees,
or fancy shopping sprees,
But on Thee, the Son of God,
Jesus Christ the Lord.

Oh while I'm at it, might as well wish you all a
Happy New Year!

Friday, December 15, 2006

And another has passed on..

The actor for my favourite character in Everybody Loves Raymond, Frank Barone has passed away.. Sigh. I loved his sacarsm, cruelsome anger and dontgiveadamn attitude. I'm gonna miss you.

Peter Boyle, 71, died of cancer and heart disease. The story

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Tagged by Yee San

Finally I'm doing this survey. haha

Part 1: On the Outside

Name : Lim Pei Ling
Date of Birth : 12th May 1988
Current Status : Single
Eye Colour : Dark Brown
Hair Colour : Blackish brown with random strands of red and goldish brown
Righty or Lefty : Righty
Zodiac Sign : Taurus

Part 2: On the Inside
Your Heritage : Chinese? hehe. I really dont know. never really bothered to ask :P
Your Fear : Apart from God, I guess to fail in exams. Nothing else
Your Weakness : Soft spot for Animals.
Your Perfect Pizza : Anything with tomato, pineapple, pepperoni and cheese.

Part 3: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up : Nothing. My mind is practically blank! ahaha.
Your bedtime : Between 2.30 - 4.30. Literally
Your most missed memory : The joy of being a kid esp. during oversea trips

Part 4: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke : Coke
McDees or Burger King : Burger King
Single or Group Dates : Depends. Fine with both
Adidas or Nike : Nike
Lipton Tea or Nestea : Lipton
Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocolate
Cappucino or Coffee : Coffee. the original :P

Part 5: Do You...
Smoke : Massive second hand smoker? ahaha
Curse : Once in a while. But not the F* word tho. Infact never said it.

Part 6: In the Past Month
Drank alcohol : Yup.
Gone to the mall : Yesterday
Been on stage : Yup
Eaten sushi : Yup
Dyed your hair : Nope. My crown of glory is still a virgin and intend to stay that way! haha unless, if grey hair loves me at a young age :P

Part 7: Have You Ever?
Played a stripping game : Yup. In Std 4
Changed who you were to fit in : Nope. It's stupid

Part 8
Age you're hoping to be married : It'll happen when it's meant to happen. But hopefully before 31 haha.

Part 9: In A Guy/GirlBest
Eye colour : Brown
Hair colour : Anything. So long it suits him.
Short or long hair : Same thing. so long, boleh suit dah cukup.

Part 10: What Were You Doing?
1 minute ago : Answering this survey thing.
1 hour ago : Reading
4 1/2 hours ago : Was out
1 month ago : College. Was having my AS finals
1 year ago : Just finished SPM? bout a week before today

Part 11: Finish The Sentence
I love : God. Family. My pets. and spending time alone
I feel : emotionless
I hate : Beansprouts and fried fish!
I hide : nothing. Apart from my skin! haaha k lame.
I miss : a lot of things
I need : determination and passion to excel.

Part 12: Tag 5 People
1. Sharon ( i know you love doing this! haha)
2. Amanda ( i know you do to)
3. Whoever else la. i dont like tagging ppl. :)
4. -
5. -

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Intelligence to the utmost highest

Gosh. I must be like the most intelligent person in the entire universe.

Despite being totally AWARE of what I was doing. I unintentionally just deleted or rather overwrote ALL my contacts on my phone simcard.

pfffftt.. So, I'm left with erh, bout 30 out of my 300 contacts. How nice, a perfect one tenth.. herh. smart eh. But no worries, I've smartly retraced back some numbers and I will continue doing so by maybe stealing them from others phonebook. So, to those of you who text me, do tell me who you are, or if i ask who are you, don't merajuk, k? :/

Gosh, one of the many reasons why I do not like technology at times. Yes, you heard wait, I mean you read it right. I've always had that hatred for technology so much that when it really gets to me, I'd totally refrain from using any form of it. Well, except for the TV.. hehe.

but not this time, cos i'm happy with the computer downloading all the movies and tv series I want and me being able to watch them.. And that'll be a compensation to what the brainy phone who is unable to like undelete the deleted stuff.. cisssss... Ok. So I like putting the blame on the handphone. Sue me already..